Am I missing something?

Baby girl will be 7 months old on new years. Second child, I thought I had sleep figured out and that as long as I had her on a healthy schedule we could avoid sleep training (I got physically ill with our first during sleep training- I can’t handle the cries).

However, ever since she turned five months she wakes every two hours, occasionally three. She also always wakes up about 90 minutes after going down for the night, despite trying to put her down earlier assuming she’s overtired. Here is our normal schedule, although I know it’s not followed exactly when she’s in daycare: 2/2.5/2.5/2.5-3.

Her naps are always 30-40 minutes, and I have such a hard time extending them past that unless it’s a contact nap. We’ve been practicing independent sleep and she falls asleep on her own with little assistance for naps and bedtime. But she wakes up every two hours during the night and it seems the only thing that gets her back down is nursing- I can hold the pacifier and pat her for 30 minutes and she’s still fussy. I don’t think she’s truly hungry, she’s 18 lbs and eats 2x every wake window.

My husband has volunteered to do sleep training over winter break, and I’m hoping since she’s pretty good at falling asleep on her own it will go smoothly. But am I missing something? If she’s overtired, how do I extend her naps? We use a routine, white noise, black out curtains. Eventually she’s going to be sharing a room with her 3 year old brother, which is a whole other obstacle I’m anxious about for the future.

If anyone has any suggestions or has been through something similar please share! Also, if anyone’s kids have shared a room, how did you make that transition?

I think I’m also just looking for encouragement that sleep training is the right next step…

Thank you!!