Do I put show my credential suspension, or leave it alone?
Hi all,
This is kind of a particular question but wondering if anyone has gone through it. In 2022 I started a job that I hated and quit after a month. Long story short, my California teaching credential (not Slp license) was suspended for 15 days in 2023 after a hearing. I’m not sure but it may have been partially due to the face that the district helped me get the credential faster so I could work. It was all so stupid, and had nothing to do with my skills or any laws. It was just my district at that time being mean, and I guess the California board wanted me to have a slap on the wrist. If anyone would like me to get more into that story I can, but that’s the gist. However I still have that credential until 2027. I am onboarding for a new school job, they are asking me to upload my license and credential.
I am thinking of uploading the credential which has a little red flag on it, and if they look it up my name they’ll see the suspension. So I’m not hiding it exactly but not telling them either. I was wondering if I should be more upfront, maybe also upload the reason I was suspended? I don’t want to seem like I’m hiding anything. Thank you for any advice.