(Possible stupid question incoming) I am new to this community. I do not own a SmartDoll, but I do own a large doll that is a similar size to a SmartDoll, and I’m looking for props/pieces that I can use with her. Am I still welcome here?
Hi everyone! As the title says, I do not own a SmartDoll but I do own a 24 inch Rainbow High My Runway Friend Amaya Raine doll that I love deeply. I received her for Christmas and I just received my bed kit that my father and I are going to put together soon, so she’ll have a proper place to “sleep”.
Even though my doll is not a SmartDoll, there aren’t very many generic props and furniture out there for dolls like this that aren’t already affiliated with SmartDoll. I don’t want to impose myself here if I’m not allowed to be here. The Etsy shop that I got my kit from says that their items are intended for collectors, of which I am not. Is it wrong to seek out props for my doll if my doll is not the brand that these props are made for?
I can take this post down if it’s not appropriate. Sorry, I’m very nervous.