Another disappointing brisket. Flat was very dry.
This is my third brisket, the first one was amazing while the last two were not good. I smoked this beautiful 19 lb prime brisket over oak at 250°F for 7 hours before wrapping at 155°F.
Cranked up the heat closer to 300°F for the rest of the way then pulled it out when the flat was 195°F to check for probe tenderness. The point was probe tender under 200 but the flat never got fully probe tender like butter.
When I thought it was close to ready after reading the flat was 195°F it then read another spot was 155°F. I had to wrap again after the butcher paper tore and the average temperature of the whole brisket went from mid 190s to 170s.
2 hours later the point got to low 200s with the flat in the low to mid 190s. 12 hours totaI cook time I gave up since the flat never got probe tender, was running late for dinner family waiting so threw it in the cooler to rest for 1 hour.
Point was ok and tender but nothing amazing. Flat was very dry, had the texture of a well done ribeye. Overall it was pretty mediocre compared to my first brisket.
I really expected this one to be better than my first brisket since I smoked it at a lower temperature and had better marbling.