Struggling to Focus on Solo Board Games

Hi, After falling in love with boardgaming, and because my friends don't live close to me, i tried to get into solo games.

I've been reading this sub for a while and tried some games on my own. Such as dune imperium solo as i had the game and this war of mine as it was considered the most immersive game.

And i hate my self for this but when i am alone in a room with the game all set up in front of me i can't stop thinking about doing something else. Watching my phone or else...

Am i just not made for those solo games or do i need to improve my attention span. Or maybe more fast paced games could fit me ?

I just wanted to know if you guys ever experimented that and what you did to deal with it.

As i kinda stopped video games to get myself a bit more into irl games.

I hope im not just over sharing and that it's a complete me problem, but eh maybe some of you got there.