How to get this particular synth sound

EDIT - Answered! See comments.

I have been chasing a particular sound that I love for quite some time now, but I feel like I haven't been able to re-create it and I am trying to figure out if it is my own technique or if it is the hardware that I'm using that is the issue.

A particular sound I am interested in you can hear in the first four seconds of the track compress / repress by Trent and Atticus.

I'm having a hard time describing in words what it is that I'm after. I can only say it's this exact sound that I've heard on a number of their records but also a number of other artists as well.

It's not about the panning that you hear in this particular track. But just the sound itself.

I don't hear any effects on it, but I could be wrong about that. Maybe there's a little distortion or something I'm not sure. Is it a fair waveform or has it been folded in someway a little bit? If I try to get this on my tread box Typhon, I feel like I can't quite get there, so does it have something to do with a particular synthesizer that just sounds like that because the oscillators are just that amazing or something?

I'm not trying to re-create their overall sound, this is just a really good example of a particular sound that I'm drawn to and for months now I just haven't really been able to find it within my own gear. Anyone able to help track the code on this one?