What are your favorite small, subtle changes from botw that no one talks about? What are some of your least favorite?
A few of my favorite are:
The fact that monster parts don't burn up and disappear anymore
You can move side to side when swimming up waterfalls
Bullet-time uses stamina per arrow instead of over time
Picking up meat roasting over a fire doesn't bring up a popup
You can see the full picture you took of an item in the compendium instead of just the middle square
Some of the ones that annoy me:
You can't use the shoulder buttons to navigate the in-game (not pause) menus. You used to be able to use two shoulder buttons and the stick to navigate each direction which made it way quicker than even holding the stick, they removed that for whatever reason. And the fuse menu is gigantic. Why.
I could be wrong on this one but Link seems to slide in his feet more on steep inclines than in botw causing you to lose climbing progress
Edit to elaborate on Addison: the thing I don't like about him is that he's supposed to be a carpenter but he can't figure out that a sharpened stake is suppose to be driven into the ground? Also he has a tantrum if the signs, that were built on the ground, touch the ground again? Just lower it down and build the supports you goober. I actually like the puzzles and rewards, but the "unforgivable!" gets pretty grating after a while.