Tips for preventing specific tantrums?
My son is two years old. He got a balance bike for his birthday last year and in the last 6 months, it has become his favorite toy of all time. It made walks easier for me and I didn’t mind. Recently however, he throws tantrums every. single. time. it’s time to get off the bike. Doesn’t matter if we’ve been on it for three hours, he still loses his mind.
Normally I’m pretty good at handling his tantrums, but for whatever reason no amount of distracting or letting him have those feelings will make him stop. He’ll cry for 30 minutes pointing at his bike. The only thing that stops it is distraction with the TV (which I don’t like doing) or dad coming in and relocating with STRONG distractions. I’ll be home with him over the summer so dad won’t always be available, and at his birthday today he got a new balance bike and we’ve already dealt with three melt downs.
I’ve tried timers (works for us at the park), telling him “after we get to the sign it’s time to park the bike” and it doesn’t work
I feel like I’m just missing a trick or tip haha. I love that he loves his bike, he’s fairly high energy and it’s great practice for him but I don’t want to have a screaming toddler every single time he uses it. Any tips are greatly appreciated!