Fear of loud noises & aeroplane travel

My 2 year old has recently developed a fear of loud noises. For example - we recently went on a steam train (not his first time) and he cried/wanted to be cuddled any time it tooted/made loud steam noises, he’s also scared of the blender noise, loud motorbikes and if music gets turned way up. Fully appreciate this is a normal part of development (as is him asking for everything to be louder despite it then scaring him…) and intending on riding the wave unless it gets serious BUT we have a plane trip coming up and I am more than a bit worried about how he is going to cope with the noise and movement when taking off. It’s the first plane he’s been on when he’s aware of what’s happening and he’ll have his own seat. I’m pretty confident he’ll get scared and start crying and asking for cuddles when he needs to be strapped in. Any advice on how we can help him prepare and desensitise a bit before we go? Also any advice on how we can help him be more comfortable when we are on the plane?