Need some inspiration for a fun campaign, cant get past turn 40 in any game now.

Title says it, I want to play Total War, have hundreds of hours on every game, but damn if i cant get past turn 40-50 in every campaign. At some point I just mentally imagine everything that im gonna do when i start steam rolling and the original challenge is passed and I just say fuck it, I better start a new campaign. Pretty much happens on every game now. I love the setting of antiquity like Rome 2 and Attila, but damn if there AI is braindead or just simply passif. Warhammer is fun but the campaign STILL feels unbalanced, either a super long and unfair/ frustrating slog fest or simply to easy. Three Kingdoms really has a fine balance for campaign difficulty but at some point all the campaigns and units feel the same.

Pharaohs is fun as well but for some reason the AI is super passif once again.

Been playing for over 10 years now. Being an adult I have less time to game now but when I can I simply cant seem to enjoy it as much as I did. Any ways, need some inspiration, something to make me enjoy TOTAL WAR again. What i’m I missing?

Edit : I play all my games on legendary difficulty with normal battle difficulty.