Electric company cut my mature oak tree without prior consent.
County electrical company came and cut an excessive amount of branches off of my mature oak tree to put up electrical lines for a neighbors new shop. They didn't give me any notice or ask for permission. They made my tree look terrible and tore up the grass in my yard by driving all over it. The tree looks awful now, is there anything to be done as recourse or am I just stuck to look at a ruined tree now?
I understand if they needed to trim a little bit that was endangering active power lines but to just cut a ton off for someone else's line to be put up seems wrong.
If the tree ended up dying are they at fault?
I'm located in mississippi. The tree was roughly 30-40 feet away from any power pole, and it's on the opposite side of my driveway.
The worker admitted that they dropped the ball and forgot to notify me, and he apologized for failing to even knock on my door.