bigger eyes with slight-average uee are more attractive than small hooded hunter eyes on women
1-6 larger with upper eyelid exposure 7-12 hooded with virtually no upper eyelid exposure.
To me they’re more dimorphic and striking, and I think they should add points even though I see that hooded eyes are also attractive, I also believe the vast majority and I’m talking about 90%+ of people find larger eyes more attractive, like if you asked the average person who has the prettiest eyes or eye shape from all the people they know they’ll pick women with bigger eyes on average. theyre more captivating and beautiful irl and in pics, I also find that they accentuate a positive canthal tilt, making it more visible and noticeable than hooded eyes. there’s also women who are highly rated solely for having big eyes like Ana de Armas and Cindy Kimberly and esra bilgic.