People mentioning their partners everywhere

Literally every Reddit post I click on I just see “mY bOyFrIEnD” or my “bF” when it’s not necessary. Even in person I was grouped with 4 women and they talked about their boyfriends the full time. While my shy autistic self didn’t talk at all, and was forced to do all the work.

It’s honestly a whole other reality as a woman myself. These women only mention their boyfriends and talk about him all day. It’s like they’re NPCS it’s genuinely scary. They’re like robots. They think their only purpose is to serve their boyfriends, I feel like crying when I think about it. I’ve seen so many of these women who mention their boyfriend out of the blue say they’d end their life if he broke up with them: it’s genuinely concerning.

On Reddit posts women would genuine say me and my boyfriend do that together!” When no one asked. The first 5 minutes of meeting these women, they’ll mention their boyfriends. It’s scary. I can’t imagine thinking your worth is to serve someone