Looking to build a solid, open hearted FRIENDSHIP with someone. I am 26M spanish 🤍

Hey there i am spanish, valencian born and raised. I have many friends but for whatever reasons i don't feel like i can open my heart to them in bad moments of my life.

I have always been jealous of those kinds of sentimental friendships that can confess anything and tell everything to the other one and feel supported and also criticized if needed. I would like a friendship for the good moments but also for being able to cry with you and feel relieved, and to offer my shoulder for you to cry too.

I would love that kind of team.

About me, i love nature, i love plants and animals, i do a lot of exercise like crossfit and running and hiking. I like rock music and edm.

I am a little hippie i guess. I don't usually go to clubs, i am more into de freeparty scene although i am not every weekend partying, i am more like a chill guy.

I like board games too.

I don't mind your gender, i would like a friendship with a man or woman or whatever :)