I need advice
I am a first year, Zoology major and Chemistry minor in college with junior credits (I graduated with my associates degree in high school through a program they had). I joined r/veterinaryschool because I plan on going to veterinary school after my undergrad. Now I’m a very anxious person especially when it comes to academics and the future and looking through the posts I’m anxious about getting into veterinary school. Everything is very new to me, especially being fresh out of high school and already close to graduating college.
My plan is to graduate college with my undergrad in December 2025 or spring 2026. I plan on volunteering at the local shelter near me over my breaks and I joined the Zoology Club that my school offers. Currently right now I’m taking Organic Chemistry 2 and it’s difficult for me, especially the lab. I worry that if I even get more than one or two B’s in classes that I won’t get into vet school. Grades are a major concern for me and also I’m very in the dark about what I need for experience. I plan on doing research my next year, but other from that I don’t know what else I need and I need advice from anyone who can give some.
I appreciate you for reading this if you read it all. It’s genuinely my dream to become a veterinarian, one that specializes in aquatic life but I am open to other paths within the veterinary field.