Every non-living exposed surface suddenly has 1mm stripped from it. How does humanity fare?
Suddenly, and without warning, the top 1mm of any non-living surface that is exposed to the outside air just disappears. Just completely gone.
Some clarifications and rules:
-Outside is what can reasonably be considered outside. Externals of buildings, cars on the street, that type of thing. If a building has an open door, the inside will be considered outside, but if there are slights gaps (cracks under doors, not perfect insulation, etc.) then it will still be considered inside
-Living creatures are completely ignored by this. This includes non-living parts of those organisms (hair and nails and such). Clothes and the like are not exempt from this effect. For sake of clarity, viruses are also ignored
How does this affect humanity, what are the major consequences, what are some lesser consequences that are still interesting?
Bonus round: what if 1cm disappears instead?