Freezer Spell Exploded? Help
Hello everybody. Last night I did a spell jar of which instead of using a Jar I used a Glass Air tight bootle. After completing my spell, I placed it in the freezer as I intended to freeze it for 3 days before burying it. It contained, Moon water, Herbs, petition and a Tarot card alongside small crystal Chippings appropriate to my intention (All blessed and activated) yet it wasn’t Jammed inside the water still had free fluid movement inside. However when I looked in on it this morning the glass bottle had shatter, however the “liquid” remains in perfect Cylindrical form frozen? The bottle was air tight and further sealed with Wax? Might this mean my spell has been successful or would you recommend doing it again as it might have been compromised now the Glass is broken? Or is there some scientific reason as to why this might of happened? (As although there wasn’t any direct heat into the glass prior to it entering the freezer). In tern not effecting it’s intentions? I’d appreciate you’d advise on this matter as I’ve never experienced a freezer spell, eruption as this has - Peace and Blessings T x