What is the dumbest rule your school ever enforced (or tried to enforce)
Now give me your thoughts on this fit :D
Cotc one slot when? [discussion]
how the hell do teen dealers get the stuff
Ok... wtf y'all...
Hiiragi Twins (by うさ城まに)
[Weekly] Battlecats Thread
penis [fluff]
What difficulty would the itf moons be relative to the floating continent? [discussion]
Sooo about the tortoise shell, how high is the hp of it when in sitting there not doing anything form? [discussion]
Am I cooked? (Half of these were from r/nirvanacirclejerk)
Damn this kinda sucks
this sub should be named edgyteenagersbutworse
Absolutely disgusting
I may have spammed fuck a bit
"you'll be OK"
What music do y’all hate [image unrelated]
This guy knows how to have a good time
How cooked am I on a scale of 1-10?
Why do people love Moxxie so much?
well fuck i dont cuss enough
Wow. I’m disappointed. The swear count isn’t high enough
Am I wrong for being pro-life?
What do think the conversations are like between these two