Found this when searching on google, thought Matt Might appreciate it
One of the best lines ever gave me
Spirits, is it gay to kiss the homies goodnight?
If the world was ending, I’m gonna be next to ___
Can you spell out what sound this makes?
Y'all what would you do on this situation?
What did matt see
P diddy is a _____
People of reddit who work in retail what was your funniest encounter with a customer?
People of reddit when was a time that mad you feel extremely smart? what happened?
What situation made you feel extremely stupid?
What is your favorite lyric by yaelokre?
People of reddit when did you take a gamble that paid off? what happened?
If you could remove one species from earth what would it be and why?
What do you wish you knew growing up?
I'm not that big of a ______!
„My Parents broke up, because of ______“
People of reddit what are your workplace horror stories?
People who post “how many pickles can you shove up your ass” posts and think they’re funny are actually _____
Who would win, Waluigi vs Obama?
People of reddit what was the worst or best thing that happened to you?
What was the first game you ever 100% completed?
Ouija, can you spell 'goodbye'?
How many pickles can you shove up yo butthole? (MEME)