Straight out of Camera, if editing RAW what would you recommend
Fire aftermath
Smoked a boring beef chuck.. didn’t come out bad actually.
smoke and fire
What is everyone's favorite sushi?
Is It OK to shower with Apple Watch Ultra?
New to the smoker life
flower lady
Foggy LA night - XT5 - TTArtisan 27mm f/2.8
How acquiring one of these is going for me 😅
So this happened today…126528LN YG LeMans. Blessing to you all
No wrap ribs advice please
More Sushi
What movie has a perfect ending scene?
I’m going to spend the next few hours watching from Canada as the United States dives into chaos
Cheap and effective solution to the sagging headband mesh issue
My first week with XT-5 and first real camera besides iPhone
Need advice on camera purchase
What have you been watching for Halloween season?
AFrame Loft, almost ready to move in
Buy it?