The person she is interacting with constantly asks questions about her activity and location.
Which character’s backstory do you relate to 1)the most and 2) the least?
okay but like whats the point in posting this, its not gonna make u any better of a person do it in private instead of telling the whole world and when the hell does she go out to do this because i only see her going to dunkin 😭😭
Tell me you want people to give you things with out telling me
this makes the mirror message 10x worse omg
her ‘baby bump’
Recent snap
This is how the chat usually looks.
i don’t understand why she mentions irrelevant things like this.. does she think this will make us change our minds about her because she changes her mind based on the internet’s opinion?
10/10 video highly recommend
her chin goes crazy in this
Why won’t Cora help her friend
cora’s dunkin’ runs
Brag girl pregnancy is literally so stupid this pmo
nah cuz what is this
What a shock that he couldn't handle actual spicy food 🙄
After she called somebody slow on threads.
“We don’t careee” posts
the rings????
Katya’s anti-smoking ad
Where’s the bump Becky?
I need a glass of water just watching this
If this was an All Stars Top 3, who do you think would take it?
karma looks like she’s so annoyed by cora’s presence 😹😹