Found this in a binder.
H: TSE90 Tesla W: Q5025 Fixer
[XB1] H: Godroll Weapons, Armor and Legacy’s W: Overeaters/Sentinel/Ap Urban or Forest Scout Right and Left Arm
[XB1] H: jefmswa gatling plasma TS5025 plasma flamer Gourmands ex25 fixer W: legacy offers
H:FE90 flamer , JE gat plas , winter man , raven , deathclaw , bos jumpsuit , hunters long coat , longshoreman outfit , blue asylum and emmet mountain hazmat suit W:legacy offers
H: Je laser Rifle ult W: Be laser ult
H: Recent Weapon List W: Weapon Offers (commando & heavy)
H: tse15 GL AAE1A ult las w: gp offers
H: aae1a ult laser w: je gp
H:je laser W:je telsa
H:Je laser rifle , all Asylum dress set + lots of other things I can bundle W:legacy offers
H: Legacy collection W: Legacy offers
H: TSE90 Tesla W: Legacy Offers (Can add for the right offer)
H: De15 Ult Laser Rifle, Tse 2* Lvl 35 Gauss Rifle, and B2525 Fixer (will bundle if needed) W: Pet Rock Misc Item or Legacy offers
H: aae1a ult las + je las w: gp offers
H: Jefms gat plas / q50c15c fixer / B50c25 railway / + more on list W: Offers
[XB1] H:legacys for you to bundle how you need too W: be 3* gat plasma
[XB1] H: AAE15c Tesla - JE15r Gatling plasma - JE** Gatling Plasma W: Q50c25 Fixer and or Q50c25 Railway
W:EE gp H: AAE250dr + BE flamer + TSE gp 2*
xb1 h: ee and be nu lasers w: legacy offer 2:1
h: fe15vats cryo w: legacy offers
H: Berserker 25Ffr 15Fr Ultracite Gatling Laser W: Bloodied Offers
H:BE Flamer, BE90 Cryo, BE1P Gat Plas, TSE Dragon, TSE15 Gat Laser, VE15 NU Laser Waffle W: Legacy Offers
[XB1] H: Be nu laser + Tse 419 dragon + Je radium + Ve25 fixer or Tattered field jacket + GouE25 fixer + St2525 fixer + MedE25 fixer W: mainly 7:1 but depends on the legacies offer
H:BE flamer W:offers