Looking for a random clip
Why do people hate playing tank
Odd interaction in a Comp match
What about this game frustrates you the most? Be honest. Let it out.
Please stop thinking 3 strategists is meta and it means an automatic win (It’s not). And people seriously underestimate the importance of tanks
If they were to Remake Fallout: New Vegas what are some changes you want to see?
Which lord icon terrifies you when they are on the enemy team?
Psylocke Ultimate radius needs a fix.
Don’t bother using coms if you’re a female
I feel like I'm getting worse
Which main are you?
What is, to you, the thing that makes Skyrim - well, Skyrim!
Why are people so afraid to PUSH?!
Stop giving up so fast
Thoughts about this so far?
Healer Main and I'm Exhausted already..
Only 64.2% of players have upvoted someone? Explains a lot
I was disrespected
Having trouble with Strategist
Mythic Skin Opinion
Idk how I’m going to play 5 v 5 again
I call bullshit, gamerant.
Experimenting with this pyromancer flaming arrow explosive bow. Will be swapping the instigating for anti armor. (Full health build)
Was viewing a vod, and came across this masterpiece
Late gifts from my loving wife.