Seems right
لو كان بيدك تكون من دولة معينة غير دول الخليج
Extra sauce, serious business!
Well, I suppose
Why ?!
انا مبتدئ عندي ٧٢ الف ابغى استثمرها ايش افضل شيء اختاره؟
Conceal don’t feel
You know who you are 💤
People didn't like my first am I ugly post,so,am I ugly?
Merry Christmas everyone
I wonder...
handling JSON
But is it scalable? 🤘
tell me about your crush, im listening
rate me
my dream
مصدر دخل
What is something that not a lot of people know that if they knew it would would drastically improve their quality of life?
Non Texans , what are your thoughts when you hear 'Texas?'
12 hours of r/Place in 12 seconds