Who wins?
Villains that DO have a tragic past... but are so vile, they don't even bother to use it as a reason for their actions
Protagonists so skilled they gain a title purely through reputation
You prefer meatballs or a meat sauce with your pasta?
You prefer meatballs or a meat sauce with your spaghetti?
This meme came to me in a dream last night
What is name of the town in Gravity Falls?
Pretend I’m a Garchomp. Ask me anything.
If you were to make a live-action Spider-Man, what stage of the character would you like to adapt?
Who was your Nintendo childhood crush?
Do you think your parents could have done a good job at raising Kal-El?
Man of steel is a good movie but not a good superman movie
Choose any one superpower and someone else has to give Batman’s contingency plan for you.
You have to based your power off of 1 scientific principle. What do you choose?
Favorite Commonly Misgendered Character?
Anything you could possibly imagine, you have full knowledge on what materials are required, and how to make it.
Who's taking it?
What advice should old Kratos give to young Kratos?
Would you do it?
Would you slap me for 1 million dollars?🥺🥺
Favorite character who's an antagonist in some way, but not a villain?
Favorite creature that is just pure evil?
You can get to own and wear ANY armor (comics, movies, cartoons, games, etc.) What’s your pick? I start, here’s mine:
[Discussion] if we were to get the return of amalgam comics what fusions would you like to see? (Spider-Boy Team-Up #1)
Who has a favorite cartoon but the creator is hated?