What's something that's surprised you, in a good way, about your pregnancy?
Seeing scary stuff online about things that happen after delivery at the hospital. What was your experience?
Nursing pillow recommendations?
Pronounciations on purpose because they are fun
Responding to isms
What are the rules for signing out, for teachers?
healthy babies past 41 weeks?
Packing for baby’s hospital stay
Pediatrician did not warn us we could get "mild" Rotavirus from LO after vaccine
Nursing camis for large busts?
TIL of hyperforeignism, which is when people mispronounce foreign words that are actually simpler than they assume. Examples include habanero, coup de grâce, and Beijing.
Pregnant w hg
Teaching while pregnant sucks
Woke up in a full panic thinking something was wrong with my baby — Please tell me I’m not alone!
How to train “trigger” word?
Why do people brush their hair before bed in so many movies, shows, anime, and cartoons?
Expensive baby items worth it vs not ?
Need ideas for a mandatory door decorating contest.
All my needles taken by Puerto Vallarta airport security. Arg!
Cervical checks… can they be avoided?
Taking Zofran daily, but constipation is horrendous!
Everything is so weirdly gendered for kids
AITA for making my classmate cry?
Am I the only parent that does this...?