Could you please change back the sub icon to Wolverine?
За вас, съграждани
Height and Economics
Higher iq people are more obsessed with looks?
Can’t even be friends with a short guy anymore 💀
Tall people wouldn’t last a day in our shoes
A place that takes 8 days to get there
How important Height is compared to Face
Successfully gaslighted
Average female tiktoker says to be happy with the scraps. Crowd goes wild!
“I’m short and I find it hard to make friends” “change your clothes”
Едно позитивно нещо :)
There is something wrong with this map (How does Robmania have less robbery rate than greece,etc)
Daily deadhangs made me taller
Most insane thing a girl has done for a tall attractive guy?
Повече Българи са убити по време на комунистическия режим, от колкото по времето на ВСВ.
funny how shes fulfilling her delusions by stating a 6'4 fictional guy
Leth's comment on E1331's post
If you could be any height
Anti leg lengthening surgery propoganda on TV show
Търся фитнеси без мултиспорт и кулфит
Can’t be yourself without “Compensating”
Защо ниските мъже карат Тесла?
A life story that is kinda funny sad and sad at the same time.
He has 20 million subscribers and every positive trait still rejected