If you could know the exact date and cause of your death, would you want to? Why or why not?
The checklist of sins I had to fill out for Confession
Just putting this little guy in the ground.
What was that thing I read about Javanese Muslims claiming to be able to fly?
I was dry humped on a bus by a stranger when I was 13.
What’s the worst thing that ever happened to you?
What are some true Final Destination stories you've heard?
What was your song to die to?
I still miss her.
At least he is giving us memes
How can a person be melted and formed into a furniture?
Fair to be concerned for this poor turtle?
Can you get a blade between your vertebrae?
Ted Bundy Lineup Murray Utah (with my Grandpa!)
How difficult is it to dismember someone?
"Gat. Jose Rizal"
What is your favorite quote from an evil person?
How would you feel if you came home from work to find your spouse dead from a gunshot wound to the head, and your pet was eating their brains?
What if humans had pockets?
What would happen if a biological male is performed sex reassignment surgery and raised as a girl from birth? Would they become a cisgender woman or transition back?
If you could eat human meat, what piece would you eat first?
If you knew that you would not face justice, would you give in to your desire for murder and torture?
"Gat. Jose Rizal" Full Digital
"Jose Rizal" by me
What would being exsanguinated feel like?