What was your 1st 1k
Since we’re close to the release of X definitive edition, what are some tips everyone should know before playing?
Who is your current winner pick, not who you think *will* win?
Fun fact:
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
What is this?
Which starter will you choose?
If only one character is coming back this season instead of two like some people are predicting, who would be the most wasted character?
What Disney Film do you think is underrated and deserves more attention? Here’s mine
Please chat I need it
Favourite elimination in each season?
Comparing DC (COC vs AS) Characters (DAY 1) - Which of these two is a worse person in YOUR opinion?
Who is relevant but was boring?
So, who won "Best Dressed Actress" at the Academy Awards last night?
Favorite female character?
Which character was this for you?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
Which final 2 is better
Who do you think deserved a harsher ending than they got(OTHER THAN JAKE!!!)
Does Lynda even count as a villain?
These dresses are considered some of the worst looks is Oscars history. Thoughts?
(Final day)how would you rank Jake in All Stars