The ahi tuna: safe to eat raw, even though doesn’t saw sushi grade on package anymore
Looking for like minded people!
A "friend" accidentally showed me who he really is.
A letter John Lennon wrote to his dry cleaner regarding the cause of his “yellow” white shirt
Am I over reacting to this one ?
Captured this cute lil interaction
Yeast infection that won’t go away
For context, this YouTuber mentioned in passing that her gf did something. Cut to the comments:
What moment ruined the entire show for you? I’ll go first.
Gifts for my teenager who's really into their makeup lately.
AITA for refusing to buy new things for our house
I wanted to get a tattoo or set of tattoos that represented 13 of the fears and trying to explain them to someone who hasn’t heard of the show without sounding so weird is so hard.
This is so many things
Why does Fandom Jon look like Bruno?
Stopped a firewall install scheme at my target
Most thanksgiving food is disgusting
"Occasionally rebooting my consciousness isn't a big deal when you consider all the benefits of getting an X-chip implant," I explained to my dad, casually sliding the pin into the 'Reset' hole behind my ear.
I am only ringing it up exactly as you ordered it.
Can we make a rule about "what entity is this?" posts?
Thats a Lie
"sweet and salty" foods/flavors are absolutely disgusting.
Recreating a specific sound effect for German TMA
What do you think?