Anime suggestions?
Anime Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion - February 06, 2025
What to watch next?
What car do you suggest?
Fun multiplayer games?
How to improve?
What games will I like if I like Rocket League?
Help me find some easily missed Indie games in this AAA drenched world.
Who has the best list?
What are some must play games
Tell me your dream car
That feeling when you buy 8 games and then immediately close Steam to never play them
I'm ready for today
If you’re playing on Steam you can get the drops twice🎉
What are some indie games you have been playing lately?
Good roguelikes you have been enjoying lately?
Looking for games like NIMRODS
What other games are you playing?
Do you finish the games you play?
Hit my first off-wall musty (GC1)