idk what to title this
Vaseline vs Aquaphor?
Before, 2 wks, 4 wks, 8 wks :)
Almost 3WPO First try on!
Is it normal for post-op breasts to change so much this fast?
Post op depression?
Sex after?
Soreness intensifying
2WPO first appointment update
Ugh this process can suck!
Removing Surgical Tape
2WPO Update
Question for those with partners
7DPO 34DDD? To maybe C or B
Did anyone experience nausea post op?
Is it normal to feel itching and burning sensations coming into week 3 PO
Looking for solace in recovery/knowing what to expect going forward
2MPO 🥹🍒 34E to 34C!!!
3mpo, any chance they'll flatten out more as they drop and fluff?
When do I feel not miserable?
Was surprised/shocked seeing them the day after surgery! surreal is putting it mildly.
Efficient Recovery
4DPO- lots of questions