Every single change to the Inventor in Guns & Gears Remastered.
What's your GM/ Player flaw?
Is This Encounter Too Much?
Best AP for experienced 5E players?
I need recommendations for your favorite pre-written campaigns!
Doesn't this confirm that the students leave kivotos after they graduate?
Would you buy a Season of Ghosts hardbook compilation/remaster?
This video hit me in my nostalgia
About to transition my group from 5E D&D to P2E, any advise on what resources I should acquire.
First time DMing in pathfinder
To people who started their RPG journey with D&D, what made you finally play something else?
Rate the 2e Adventure Paths #9 - BLOOD LORDS
New GM, Need Advice on Player Interaction
For those who buy adventure modules...
A question on alignment in popular TTRPGs
Which system should I use?
For homebrew campaigns, any do's and don'ts?
How to create a post apocalyptic setting that isn't depressing.
Post your [EN] Invite Codes!
What's your gaming session length/frequency?
Am I a bad DM for this?
New To sub and Start my First 2e Campaign Sunday.
If you were to GM Pathfinder 2e mythic, would you personally allow characters to have both mythic and free archetype?
Experiences playing online with strangers
What does "modern audiences" actually mean?