I found him
Here are my favorites. Any suggestions.
Somehow i took over a city at level 4
Hypothetical poll about Israel
What is this place?
Sigma or nah
I feel so old because I've seen so many micro internet celebs come and go but I still have four years before I need to leave these subs
Holy cow my found sub went from 15 to 100 members in a single day what happened
People on r/teenagers always seem so needlessly disrespectful/rude
Have completed a good "intro kit". What next?
Who’s winning the Super Bowl and who do you want to win?
Figuring out I’m trans is one of the best things that’s happened to me
Cricket is gay
ok I guess I swear a lot 💀
To people with ADHD, how long do you think you could survive with out it?
You guys hyped for the switch 2?
How would you feel if one of your parents walked in your room and asked "do you use Reddit...?"?
Hehe funny mustache guy
As a boy, long socks are awsome
Is SH gross on a girl?
Pick one biblical character to defend you, and the rest attacks you.
Another Day, Another Tweet
Best Peter Parker?
Dana White was having an English to English translation. 😭
Do you like death metal?