This is how you can fly INFINITELY through Hyrule
Damn it
Getting ready to seta trap for Link
If there wasn't any Zelda games what would you play instead?
Technique for practicing BIL. (Per request)
Just took out my third White-Maned Lynel
I can't find the 5th Sage. I don't even know where to start. Please could someone tell me the first area I should look for?
How can you stop a blood moon?
what is everyone’s favorite area in the game?
When did Link became right handed?
How old do you have to be to really be an adult?
How did I not know Ganon and Ganondorf was the same.
So if Link are wood would he get splinters in his stomach?
if i ate wood, would i get splinters in my stomach
Can we all agree farming gleeoks and fire taluses are fun.. and extremely easy???
I know there’s technically no “wrong way” to do a shrine, but this feels like it.
Brooo this is too much for me 😭
Is there a point to get rubber armor if you can get the thunder helm?
Two funner facts about Vah Naboris
[MAR25] Is this Loss?
Chipotles worker insurance is by far the worst I've seen
How did Link not age?
Little Froxes trying to reach a brightbloom seed that's too high
Got skyward sword disc from a friend, had to improvise. Constructive criticism only.
[TOTK] Am I approaching this the wrong way?