Make the comments look like it's Shadow's search history
Can we all agree that freedom fighter is a terrible skin?
Would it be fair to say DW is missing the fear factor? Or at least compared to earlier New Who episodes?
What would happen if Sonic actually killed Eggman? (art by modistbutsonic)
Say Something Negative About Your FAVORITE Sonic Game
Do you guys want this?
Eggman is officially based
I finally beat Master King Koco's Trial (and the true final boss afterwards) on Extreme Difficulty!
Why does charmy wear clothes if he's a dude
I am Shadow The Hedgehog. Ask me anything.
Any headcanons on what Shadow did after Sonic 3?
I have tons of doubles. So close to end my collection
Possibly one of the most misinterpreted scenes in the franchise
Who else thinks the lorax isn't a very good guardian?
Make the Comments Look Like Petey's Search History
Flaming hot take: I would rather play as forces classic sonic more than any other classic game
I love the argument between Sonic and Knuckles
Curious, what's a hot take about DOAWK that will have you reacting like this?
What did you think of his Bond?
Give me your hottest , most fiery. Here's mine: I love playing as forces classic sonic more than any other classic sonic
How rare are 0 step limited skins?
Only found out today you can cyloop asura's legs for portal gears 😂
Selling List
SCREW THE META! what are your thoughts on this trap