What I wore to a job interview recently, to show them the whole of me (I got the job)!
I waited too long to play Horizon ZD because all the feedback I had was negative. 10 hours in, and I'm enjoying it like a child
How long will a year be on a planet with earth like climate orbiting a K5III star?
my 7yr old: I’m so bad at this pushing buttons thing…
If Horizon had Allowed you to romance anyone. Who would you personally pick?
Bought at a local alt market: a "spare" if I ever get bottom surgery so I always have one 🤣
I really hope that we get to see CYAN again in the next game.
I have a Question for Non-binary people, When in Public, do you go in the Male or Female Toilets?
Why is fallout new Vegas so popular with trans people?
Does my ingame gender mean I'm not non-binary
Just got the sunwing and talk about bad thinking and design.
You're Snapmaw. Your wife's been murdered in cold blood and her organs have been harvested. Find the savage!
Today I learned Virginia Woolf wrote a non binary character called "Orlando", whose pronouns shift throughout the book
Vests are a Thing?
Video of meteor in Portugal
I would love some kind words, or sweet pictures, please ❤️
I can’t stop thinking abt this, its disturbing in many ways
UPDATE: We Finally Built a Reddit Group For Gender Variant Women In General
Tips for winning the final gauntlet run
Aloy and the invisible rollerskates
I think we can all agree
Oh hey. I posted my iMac a couple days ago but I forgot I have 2 gaming rigs lol.
Is there any setting that tells u when ur health is low?
Just a shit post but anyone seen Kingdom of The Planet of the Apes?