Siniscola And Poppelgeist
My attempt at caramelising onions. Was told it belonged here.
butt sprayer in my country
Aro aces during Valentine’s Day
Some gear
Tumblr keeps on taking down trans women's blogs including mine "i-am-transgwender" which is best known for this post
You're right that IS a dude
Do you still enjoy videogames as an adult?
Wtf is this shit
Help me name him
Do any of you have an alter with a distinct accent?
What is this?
Name him the first thing that comes to mind
Death to loud hand dryers!
Word of the day
To put on your asburgers
This gummy from a christmas gingerbread train
Double Standards
anyone else's parents okay with ftm but not mtf??
honeycomb bees attacking goat
This is my crude reproduction of a WWI German suede gas mask
This made me very very uncomfortable. Idk where else to post it. I may be looking for comfort. Am I crazy?!! Is this not horrifically disgusting?!
What order do you eat sandwiches?