This condition
Not sure if I tore a ligament or not.
Thoughts on purchasing a used Restorex?
Dorsal Nerve Block worked
I shoot super thick milk…
Breaking Down Dr. Goldstein’s Theory on Hard Flaccid Syndrome in Simple Terms
I finally recovered from that damned disease!!!!
There’s only one thing keeping me going and it’s YOU
IS THIS REALLY HARD FLACCID? seeking self help tips if so!
pudendal nerve entrapment
Urologist told me my penis felt flaccid to him, but somehow I feel he doesn't believe I have moments of time where it is more hard when flaccid
BPC 157 injectable peptides
Constant ache in bulbospongiosus muscle and perineum area
Update on L2-L3 block.
PS4 need help with every heist/robbery
Need some people to run heist with
Heist Help
Hard Flaccid might be Bulbospongiosus/ischiocavernosus muscle spasm