Favorite Andrew Lincoln acting scene?
U Turn (1997)
Which TWD character is the most savage?
Joaquin Phoenix
Why is Trump?
Living in the prison
Looking for grimy, gritty, dirty, nasty movies
Songs that instantly make you want to throw your phone across the room
Stinkiest feet or socks ever?
Season 4b Storylines Ranked
Looking for the movies about Bullying & Revenge
What's your favorite Nicolas Cage acting performance in a movie?
How would Drew’s parents react to Walter White?
What would you do if you caught that kid on the dirtbike instead of Todd murdering him?
Nicholas Hoult
Dennis Villeneuve will get his Oscar soon
I wish Merle would have been around longer
Best last episodes
What makes some actors look "period" or "modern"?
Thoughts on this movie: GoodFellas (spoilers ig)
Can British actors do good accents for the American South?
King of Comedy is pretentious and shallow – Joker (2019) does it better
What’s your favorite song featured in TWD?
Your guys “If they are in it, I will see it” list
Philip Blake or Brian Blake?