Line spacing question, inspiration welcome
Favorite quotes that made it into your real life?
Why do you check the frenumlum of the mouth?
“Brothers” movie Lofi?
New Zealanders who enjoy their work - what do you do?
This is how my daughter left the car for me today
Stunning jump into a waterfall basin
Lord of the Flies
Do you find this name offensive?
Please don't let another NZ baby die to Toxoplasmosis
My busybody neighbour reported the smell of (legally prescribed) marijuana to my employer and is threatening to go to the police
I love pranking enemies in spawn!
Best spicy food to melt ones insides?
Spiciest dish you've had?
Poll for allowing/banning KSP2 layoff-related questions and petitions
We're not going to judge you or turn you in.
A helicopter carrying Iran's president has crashed.
He got accepted to 122 colleges (with $5.3 million in scholarships) just to prove a point to his dad
When are we protesting?
Curiosity Finds Iron Meteorite on Mars.
Ukraine's Pripyat River Is Like A Work of Art From Space
Should I use this to top up my oil, or with an oil change, or not at all?
Behold, my unluckiest B2
shittily made a diagram on why i was so mad at the game to explain to my partner... they still didn't get it
My game is crashing right after starting can you help me