Emg/vfc strike industries smp (sig p365)
Most recent investment, totally worth it
Where can I find a duster gas adapter in the US?
Hi capa mags
How often should i apply silicone to my replica?
How do you protect you Adamsapple from bbs. Because I know if I get hit there it would hurt extremely much and might also damage it.
Why is KWA so hated?
Can I store a Fully gassed magazine or do I have to empty it?
MP7 or M4?
Short Queens and Kings Appreciation Day - Show me your SMGs / PDWs!
Gas blow back pro’s and con’s so far. Pro’s- kick is awesome. Charging, trigger, magazine and more feel real. Con’s- gas consumption, low BB count, mags tend to leak, kick affects accuracy. What do you guys think? Chime in por favor 🫡 🔫➕➖
My first GBB!
First Build Back (constructive criticism plz)
Rate my GHK AUG A3
What’s the best GBB smg for cold conditions
Bakhmut Vibes
Desert Night Camo + Carry Handle. Yes or no?
Do you guys prefer gas or electric guns?
Work in progress tarkov usec kit
Propane Instead of Green Gas and Risks
Eyepro Wrap
Vfc mp7 too high joule?
Is my vest positionned correctly or no? If not, what should I fix?
Why specna arms AKs are not available on gunfire anymore
Blackhawk Down inspired M16A2 Carbine (VFC GBBR)