Looking for inspiration for Delay pedals
Fortress Air Compressor in Cold
Can you daily a E46?
Have you ever needed to do this to get the right resistance?
I hate how my kit sounds and it keeps me from playing, looking for advice
PCBs and kits
Crack in floor tom
Upgrading from Player Strat to an American Strat worth it?
Pedalpcb.com 3PDT Breakout Board with Output Boost Wiring.
Who's a drummer you adore that's stuck in bands you're not a fan of?
Loitering on Stage. What’s the standard amount of dead air between songs?
Just put this together
Harbor freight denied warranty
Any info on this guitar?
Finally got my monster kit set up
Drummers: Do you play with a metronome/click?
Using layers of 3/4 plywood instead of 2x4s?
What big $$$ gear do you regret buying??
Thoughts on DW's new Slingerland Radio King reissues?
Soldiering iron recommendations
Pedal PCB Mini Muffin Fuzz in a 1590G
Which latching 3PDT foot switches do you prefer to work with? Are there any part numbers in particular that you swear by (or that you really hate)?
What is this supposed to be?!
Pedal PCB Crackle Jack (Zvex SHO w/ vol control) in a 1590G
Stew Mac Sunfuzz Troubleshooting