I'm addicted to RRSP and tax returns
Dealing with SaaS Sprawl or Just Riding the Hype? What’s Your Take?
Hitting strip help
Anyone else getting 100 spam emails a day?
Looking for an accountant in Langley area for personal taxes
Thank you Langley Firefighters
It's truly gay pride week!
Today is Canada Day. Here's to the best neighbor any country has ever had.
If WWIII happens, what will be the spark that starts it?
Free range eggs
My new sticker
37 million views in a week! :)
My order came to $13.13 at 13:13:13
My local Walmart's McDonald's sign is teeny tiny.
ELI5: Why do people have to be such assholes?
Redditors, where do you want to live? Redditors who live there, why should they not want to live there?
GF told me the blue flowers I bought her for VDay were dyed...I didn't believe her
My Nana asked me to fix her phone because "the outside clock is always showing the wrong time."
Ones not like the other...
wood wall project - Album on Imgur
Forgot my wife was away - rolled over in bed to see this!
Redditors who have to dress up nice everyday for their jobs (suit, ties, dress shoes, etc..), what are some tips and tricks to always look good or keep up the appearance of looking good?
Dexter visited my office today...
One way to celebrate a goal
Sleepy Teddy Bear