That was a fantastic start to the Episode.
When I see a prime warframe I really want, I'm embarrassed to say I just buy it with platinum. And I buy the platinum.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
This is correct. I am not asking, I am telling you.
Omni Forma and exalted/pseudo exalted rework confirmed
To those who have completed most of the content, did you ever spend money on plat?
What frames are considered dogshit by the meta but which you found a niche way to use?
Mesa Prime companion (thematically)
what basic thing you only learned after hundreds of hours?
Who your favorite heirloom skin so far?
In honor of Sticky’s video
Been away since Legion, how is recent WoW?
Heat inherit ember
I don't care how bad Destiny gets, I am NOT playing Warframe!
Why do you think other games like DBD eventually fail?
Why do people like Gauss so much?
If Elon Musk played Warframe
What should I do with my 5 Orange Tau Archon shards?
Lavos mains can finally shut up.
Update - AITA for wanting people to wear white at my wedding?
Bruh, no way
What is a complete wild license that wouldn’t be added but you would want in the game?
Bellanoir Raid
Why do people hate self care so much?