So realistically, who’s gone?
These are for real!
All things Aldi
If you are planning to go see the Shen Yun dancers, you might want to research their background first.
[Homemade] Four layer chocolate birthday cake surrounded with bubble gum balls, rock candy and chocolate kisses
[Homemade] birthday cake on my cake day
Today's unnecessary and very adult Aldi purchases.
How do I read this expiration date?
The overall reaction to this loss feels a bad way
I'm at the Super Bowl AMA
New to Aldi…was I supposed to avoid this pizza or is this an unusual experience?
My wifey kicked ALDIs ass this morning
How cool is my Bday present coffee mug
Oh come onnnnnnn
Is Philly OK? I can’t imagine KC doing anything this hateful.
Successful Travis Kelce Sucks Party
Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl worldwide check-in
The Eagles Want It More.
Can potatoes were corn
16 Inch sugar cookie! Let’s Go!
Made a giant sugar cookie
If I placed 60 two inch round cookies edge to edge to form a flat large circle, how large would the circle be?
Aldi Pizza dough is great
Why is Alexa saying the Earthcam service is unavailable then going ahead and showing the Earthcam that I requested?