Looking for songs about not giving up
A book that's considered "hard to read" but really isn't
What Classic Authors Do You Admire the Most?
Cologne cyclists: what is your least favorite way to ride back into the city?
I need REAL "Fuck you!" songs, none of this wimpy bullshit!
Where am I?
Where was I in September 2023?
What underrated state should I visit next?
What is a good song to match this vibe here?
What's a movie you love but can't deny is incredibly stupid?
Vollnarkose - Erfahrungen und Sorge unbegründet?
Using Only 3 Words, What Is Your Favorite 80s Movie?
Space Movies
Welches Reiseland war bisher euer Favorit und welches hat euch überhaupt garnicht gefallen?
Goth places in Germany
Jazz Movies
What’s a common misconception about Germany that annoys you?
Help. Please pick one for me I am in a bookshop right now :)
What’s the best album of 2007?
What’s the best German food that isn’t famous internationally?
Concert that surprised you and made you a forever fan