Anyone superstitious about playing certain heroes?
Who do you think is the most forgotten hero?
Mad Max Running On higher Settings At Stable 30-40fps in GAMEFUSION 2.5 WAY BETTER THAN WINLATOR (Snapdragon 888) RAM 8
Layla is spoiling the less skilled players
The "burning monk" was Thich Quang Duc, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who set himself on fire in 1963 to protest the persecution of Buddhists in South Vietnam.
Which hero do you think the players are sleeping on ?
This happened again today.
When you're on a win streak and get these type of teammates
New player trying to learn an unforgiving game
The frustration is real
Who needs enemies when your duo is Guison?
Nobody talks about Alice, but I think she is very good rn
i play exp and roam. what hero i should buy
Im not the only one experiencing this right?
stupidly lucky lord steal from saber
My tier-list on how I feel during draft picking
How is this even possible
Only banning Franco now
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Punjabi cop waives bride's challan and asks for laddoos instead
Wouldn't a man also feel uncomfortable being the only man in a room full of women?
Zilong/Selena/Irithel mains:
Here me out: What Role that is boring to use?
President Adolf Musk finally bringing the everlong forgotten glory to this wretched world. Hail Führer Trump
about to go on a lose streak