Reported to McLeod college principal for wearing t-shirt
The Uk Arc really was crazy🤣🔥🔥 🐴
Spidey, I did nothing to deserve having to deal with this. Why? Brother fking why? 😭💔😭🤢🤮
ACID Spidey on the GC
Live on tiktok
Spidey just scored some LSD 🫡
Spidey getting “white girl wasted” tonight on surfers paradise beach.
Bungee marks live looking for spidey
What should I name this little guy?
Wee bradley
Baby brad
Spidey and the bus
Female version of brad from the UK who will turn comments on at 1m never mind 10k
Topblokes sat and went through spideys list and blocked all of us 🤣😅
Here’s our little n update. No one’s heard from him in over a week?
Blue takis on display 💙
Spidey talks on staying with Ken (his W partner)
Live on
Room tour
Anyone got highlights of last nights live?
Staying with grandparents
Who actually likes Haggis?
Spidey will hopefully be discharged this week
Spideys live on tiktok