What’s the better investment, Chilling Reign or Paradox Rift?
Do we see the Bubble Mew to continue rising at a good rate or should I sell it now?
Should I regrade this Gengar?
How to deal with "serial raisers"
Posted about a card last night, wanted to hear your thoughts about an offer.
Should I buy a box of Surging Sparks?
Hi, first time posting here, bought a Gengar a while ago, wondering if I could get an estimate? Thanks!
What is the worst thing to hear when you’re bluffing?
How to properly review hands?
How to beat someone heads up that has 1800 more bb than you?
How to exploit someone playing ABC poker?
How to get more people to play at your home games?
Masters Rein Vod
Vod Code for a M1 game where I was absolutely lost on tank. I genuinely had no idea what I was doing.
I’m a masters 1 tank, and sometimes even I have no idea what to do at all.
M2 Winston/Dva Vod Review Request
What’s your current favourite break-up song?
Starting to work at a shop for track runners, and I know nothing about the shoes.
What’s the best poker advice you’ve gotten that had nothing to do with the cards?
How to play ABC poker?
What’s an ingredient in a dish that immediately ruins it for you?
What’s the strategy against players known to go all-in in the dark?
How do you teach someone how to play poker?
What is the optimal way to play short handed and short stacked poker?
Short Stacked and Short-Handed advice